
Wedding at Hortus Leiden and boat ride to Tante Kee

This wedding in Leiden was fantastic! A great wedding ceremony at the Orangery of Hortus Botanicus, wedding photos in the centre of Leiden, a boat ride to Kaag and a delicious dinner at Tante Kee.

Wedding at Hortus Leiden and boat ride to Tante Kee

More photos below, but first do a quick date check and I'll send you my brochure straight away!


Wedding at Hortus Leiden and boat ride to Tante Kee

Getting ready and first look in Leiden

I start my day at the groom, Hylke. On arrival there are already some people present who are preparing for this wedding in Leiden and Hylke also ensures that he is ready in time for the first look near their house. It promises to be a beautiful day. Despite Corona, you can still get married and this time there is no lockdown that creates trouble for these newlyweds.

After also capturing some good photos of the cat, I continue my journey to Emma, ​​who is preparing for the wedding at her mothers. Here too it is pleasantly busy and everyone is looking forward to the big day. Fortunately, Emma is right on time to see her soon-to-be-husband in all its glory during the first look moment.
Hylke is already waiting for her on the bridge when Emma arrives. In suspense, Emma approaches Hylke and finally there is the moment that they see each other for the first time in their wedding clothes.

Wedding photos in the centre of Leiden

After the first look, we take a short time to capture wedding photos in the centre of Leiden. We are even lucky enough to be able to enter the Hooglandse Church to capture some wedding portraits inside. A very unique location because, especially indoors, taking wedding photos is normally not possible there.

After a short walk through the city resulting in some great photos where it looks like Emma actually seems to be flying, we arrive at the orangery of Hortus Botanicus where the wedding ceremony will eventually take place.

Wedding ceremony at the Orangery of Hortus Botanicus in Leiden

The wedding ceremony takes place (with exception) outside. A short shower of rain just before the ceremony seems to be a minor problem, but after everyone briefly flees inside, the ceremony can start.

It is a ceremony with a beautiful view over the Hortus, but also one with a lot of emotion and of course a lot of love. After a resounding yes, Emma and Hylke are officially married and it's time to celebrate with a toast and cutting of the cake in the Orangery.

Boat ride to Kaag and wedding dinner at Tante Kee

After the reception, we all leave the Hortus by boat to Kaag. It is a long boat ride through the centre of Leiden, the polder north of Leiden and finally docking at restaurant Tante Kee where the wedding couple and their guests will enjoy a fully catered dinner.
During dinner, there are several moments when family and friends share kind words with the newlyweds and after a long evening, it is time to take the ferry to the bus that takes us all back to Leiden.

What a wonderful day it was. Great that I could be here, thank you Emma and Hylke!

Wedding suppliers involved in this wedding:

Wedding locatie: Oranjerie Hortus Botanicus Leiden
Bakkery: Soetenso
Flowers: De Mooij Warmond
Restaurant: Tante Kee
Make-up: Visagie by Leonie

This is the end of this blog post.
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We don't bite!

If you are still searching for your wedding photographer, it might be better to request my free brochure first. Here I share much more information about my working method, discount packages and extras that you can all expect when you book me.


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brochure / Date-check

We don't bite!

Fill in this form to request the free brochure and possibly do a date check!

Perhaps you are already convinced and you want to meet immediately. That is also possible! Please feel free to contact me by clicking on the button below and leaving behind your contact details.

Personal approach
The choice for your photographer is a very personal one. In addition to the photographic style, the character and values ​​of the photographer are one of the most important criteria for making your choice. When I hire someone, I like a personal approach where communication and quality is of a high standard. It is for that reason that I also apply this method as a photographer myself.
Wedding photographer Bart Rondeel
Photo: Roxy Sun
Before the wedding

You can expect this approach from me straight away. Call me, app me or e-mail me and you can always expect a response. I can often be found on the mat, the mountain bike and photographing at other weddings, so sometimes I won't be able to respond straight away, but I will get back to you as soon as I can.

So a personal approach is very important to me and that is why I also would like to get to know you as a couple. During our introduction meeting, it is therefore mainly about you guys. I want to know everything about you, because the more I know, the better I can capture the wedding day for you.
Have a look at the photo below. I knew that the bride had a special bond with her grandfather so I was constantly looking for the right time to capture that bond. This has become one of the most important photos for this bride.

Bride dancing with grandpa

Of course, we will also talk about the planning and how photography, and especially the portraits, can best be fitted into the schedule of your busy wedding day. I have all sorts of practical tips which you can use for your wedding. I would simply like to hear everything about the wedding day so together we can also make the photos to a great success.

You'll also get access to the online portal. Everything about our collaboration ends up in this online environment. During our introduction meeting, I can explain everything about the online portal.

In addition, you can always contact me during the preparations for questions or tips. Changes to the schedule can be communicated through the portal, I will see any changes you make instantly.
Shortly before the wedding we will schedule a call to go through all the details for the last time to make sure that I am aware of everything that will happen during your wedding day. And then the time has finally come!

Wedding balloon detail
During the wedding

Finally! After such a long time the special day has is finally there. You will be able to enjoy this day undisturbed. Me and everybody else who is involved in the organization of the wedding will make sure of that. It is for that reason that I always maintain close contact with the ceremony master and other people involved in the wedding to keep the organization as tight as possible.

Wedding photographer during ceremony
Photo: Eliza Dernovska

At the wedding, I am invisible when needed but present when necessary. For example, I will often work more in the background during the ceremony, but when taking a group shot of all the guests I will make sure everybody is visible and direct them accordingly. During the party, I will be partying with you on the dance floor. I can get much closer and people open up much more when I am part of the crowd, resulting in the best possible party photos.
Not in the mood for uncomfortable poses during the portrait shoot? Fortunately, me neither!
Think of this shoot as a nice walk in the park which I will capture in the most beautiful way. I will of course 'direct' you here and there to get the most best results, but I like movement in my photos, so I would encourage you to do whatever you feel like. Go crazy, laugh, have fun with each other and be yourself, that's how we will make sure these photos will become little pieces of art.
I will enjoy the wedding like any other guest that day. I love weddings because of their great atmosphere and happy people. I genuinely have a great time at your wedding.

After the wedding

The wedding is over, but for me, the work now really starts. After making the necessary backups, it is now up to me to ensure that all those photos are carefully selected and professionally retouched. I shoot thousands of photos in one day and not one of them will go unnoticed. I only select the very best and make sure that they ultimately come into their own in the retouching process by transforming them into my unique style.

I understand that you really can't wait to see the first photos and that's why I always make sure that a preview is ready for you in the online gallery within a week. That way the memories are still clear in your mind and you will experience all the moments again when you view the photos.
Because I pay a lot of attention to selecting and retouching, I need about 4 to 6 weeks to finally deliver all the photos to you via the online gallery. You can share the gallery with all friends and family, but you can also already start making the selection of favourites for your wedding album. When your favourites are submitted, I will design the album and finally upload the design to you again via the portal for approval. You can browse through the pages in your own time and let me know where you would like to see changes before the design is finally sent to the factory. Also, let me know which photo you would like as a print on your wall.

The delivery of the album will take a few weeks and after handing over the album and the print our collaboration will sadly be over. I would appreciate it very much if you would like to leave me some online reviews. Growth is hugely important to me and the best way to find out how my work and approach has been experienced is to ask my clients!

modern tools
Nowadays the internet is indispensable in our daily lives. Everyone owns a smartphone and is online nowadays. This is why I use the most modern tools to provide an experience for you as a wedding couple where convenience, clarity and style are paramount.
Wedding photographer Bart Rondeel
Photo: Roxy Sun
the online portal

All the couples who book me as their wedding photographer receive a complete package. This includes access to the online portal. Not only is this a very cool and handy tool for you, but it's also software that I use on a daily bases and makes sure that all my services and communication run smoothly. In addition, the portal also includes an online gallery that is easy to share with friends and family and can be used to download the high res images, so you can store them yourself. Wonder what your album will look like? The design proofing function will help you to see the design and approve it online.

The gallery

An online environment where all your photos can be seen and can be shared with all friends and family after the wedding. In short, that's the gallery.
USB sticks are already old fashion these days. Technical developments are going forward so fast that the newest laptops no longer have a USB input anyway. Everything is connected to the internet and that is why the online gallery is so enormously valuable.
It is fast, simple, looks nice and very important nowadays, it works flawlessly on all devices. Details such as security and accessibility have also been thought through and photos can even be organised into different categories. Have a look below.

Trouwfotografie galerij voorbeeld

You get exclusive digital rights to be the only one to be able to download the files in high resolution and of course without my company logo. Also, you can decide which photos can be seen by friends and family. You may find some photos a bit too personal and you don't necessarily want to share them, you can easily hide these photos from others who visit the gallery.
The gallery also contains useful functions to select your favourites. This feature is most often used to pick your photos for the wedding album.

Are you interested in ordering prints? Then I can even create a prints gallery for you in which you can easily see what the photo looks like on the wall.

Bruidsfotografie print voorbeeld
Album design

After I have received your favourite photos selection through the gallery, I will start designing the album. The layout depends on the size of the album you choose. Photos really do come into their own when they are printed in large format, so I don't recommend selecting too many photos, it will look messy very quickly.

As soon as I have finished the first design you can review it via the portal in the design proofing section. You can browse through the pages and even make notations where you would like to see adjustments. After the requested adjustments, you can approve the design and it will be sent to the producer. Below is an example of a large album 35x35 cm in which the wedding couple asks to make the text slightly smaller.

Album Design proofing voorbeeld
communication tools

In addition to these parts of the portal, some formalities have also been considered. There is a page that shows all different album types and materials, there are forms to share some contact details with me (for example the ceremony master or contact details of the wedding venue) and there is a very useful form in which you can fill in the planning for the wedding day so there is never a misunderstanding about the schedule. Even the invoices can be viewed and downloaded.
And the best part, it's all online and available whenever you want!