You've got mail!! (check the spambox)
How awesome that you are getting married and thank you for requesting my brochure !! I'm sure there is a lot of info in there that is very valuable to you.
You have already received an email that gives you access to the brochure. If it cannot be found in the inbox, please check the spambox or feel free to contact me personally. Send a whatsapp (06 106 94 640) or an email to: info@bartrondeel.com.
If you have also requested a date check, I will get back to you as soon as possible to let you know if I am still available for your wedding day.
Planning your wedding is an emotional journey where you constantly gain new experiences and ideas to create a wedding that is truly unique and personalized.
Since I am also married myself, I know from experience how important the emotional aspect is when planning your wedding. That is why I like to share with you valuable information that not only highlights the practical side, but also the emotional side. Take a look at my blog where you can find valuable information that will help you plan your wedding.